Colorado Springs Dermatology Ginger Mentz

Dermatology Colorado Springs Dermatologist
Dermatology Colorado Springs Dermatologist - Dr Ginger Mentz MD FAAD

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Dr. Mentz is a board certified dermatologist serving the Colorado Springs Region 


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"The fact that we don't participate in that market right now-I'm not sure that's reflective of any particular deliberation or decision," he says. "That's just not where the science has taken us."

Before electing to have a cosmetic procedure
Discuss it with a physician who can refer you to a specialist in the fields of dermatology and aesthetic plastic surgery.
Begin with a consultation to find the right doctor, and select one who is qualified to do the procedure you want.
Make sure the doctor you choose is certified by an appropriate medical board.
Have realistic expectations about the benefits you want to achieve.
Compare fees--insurance does not usually cover elective procedures.
Saving Face
According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), nearly 7 million Americans underwent surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures in 2002. Laura Bradbard was one of them.

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